Archive | Character


Do Your Duty!

When I was young, one of the first lessons my parents taught me was that words have meaning. If you make a promise, you keep it. The one thing you don’t do is break your promise because doing so is a betrayal of trust. Throughout my life I made promises and took oaths: on becoming […]

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Character and Composition Matter

In the month of August, both Forbes Magazine and US News & World Report ranked West Point as American’s Best College in each of their respective annual rankings.  The rank and follow-on accolades are tribute to a national treasure – the United States Military Academy.  There has been both praise and criticism of the methodology […]

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The Moment of the Oath

I am at a loss of words for the momentous and seismic shift we witnessed today with the inauguration of Barack H. Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America. The joy and hope of people everywhere was palpable as a new chapter in our Nation’s history opened. Today was a day […]

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