
Thought Provoking

Donna’s thought-provoking, engaging leadership presentations help individuals consider their personal leadership skills in a new framework. In her presentation, she helps listeners think about their own leadership skills. She also helps her audience gain insight into the core elements of strong leadership, the dynamics and interactions of leaders within organizations who improve and become stronger, and the unique and distinct leadership styles between men and women.

Hard Hitting

Her compelling, challenging questions create open group discussion, leading to genuine sharing about real issues affecting every individual and organization. Donna’s questions and subsequent suggestions offer practical ways to lead others, affect change and calm the chaos—important skills for all leaders.

Proven Principles

In her presentation Donna shares nine proven leadership principles formed by men and women who lived and died through their leadership. She teaches the significance of these principles and their application in the corporate and business world, giving an organization the knowledge necessary to strengthen their core leaders’ abilities, create and refine personal leadership philosophies and styles, and understand the passion and leadership skills required to excel.

Practical Insights

Proctor & Gamble, Thayer Leadership Development Group, West Point and the Women’s Leadership Symposium have experienced and benefited from Donna’s leadership expertise. See what Donna can teach your organization about leadership.

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